Schools can start providing career guidance from Grade 7 onwards.Some of the activities or ways in which schools can help are:


School counsellors/Career Counsellors:

Students should have access to the school counsellor/career counsellor whose duties would include;

  • Helping students choose a subject of study in 11th grade
  • Ensuring career related information is easily available to the student
  • Talking to students about careers
  • Organizing career related events etc
  • Advice on career planning, interests and academics

Class teachers/subject teachers-Guidance

  • Class teachers or subject teachers should talk to students about career opportunities related to a specific subject, how academic progress is important for pursuing a specific career etc

Events at School

Principals/ management of schools can arrange specific career related activities or events to help students shortlist career options.

  • Visit to a workplace and explanation of what specific departments do
  • Parent-Teacher evenings to discuss career planning and options
  • Organize campus tours to nearby colleges to help students explore courses
  • Help students take a career assessment module online or at school

